Animal Assisted Therapy 


 Animal Assisted Therapy

 Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT) and Animal Assisted Activities (AAA) could be the perfect thing you’re looking for. People who lack company and feel lonely sometimes can develop a strong relationship with Therapy Animals and may regain a sense of being needed from taking care of them.

Also, many people with learning disabilities enjoy being around animals and in their presence. Our Therapy sessions give them a way to express themselves safely. Working with these animals has lots of benefits including: Support Mental Health, decrease depression and Anxiety symptoms, Improved Well-being, provide people with comfort and increase their trust, and improved social skills.

One to One Therapy

We provide one on one therapy sessions aimed towards those with who suffer from: ADHD, Autism, Down Syndrome and many others. We are also determined to help those who struggle with mental health issues such as: Anxiety, Depression and IED (Intermittent explosive disorder). Each person will undergo an individual Therapy plan which will be specialised and suited for their needs. We recommend taking 6 sessions as it more beneficial. However it is possible to book one. 
Please contact us by email for more information about the date & times before you pay.
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Care Homes & Day Centres

These are specialised sessions for Care Homes and Day Centres. We will provide these people with Animal Assisted Therapy by supporting them when they are with us and helping them to get to know the Alpacas. We believe that by introducing the Alpacas to these people, they will gain a sense of relaxation and at the same time it will provide them with a new confidence towards animals. 
Please contact us by email for more information about the date & times and your form of arrival before you pay (whether you would like to come to the farm or would prefer for us to come to you + if you are outside of Leicestershire then you pay 30p/mile extra)
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Schools & Nurseries

Children love Alpacas and Alpacas love children therefore we are providing this service that will be specialised for children and youth to enjoy the wonders of these amazing animals and have an experience that will last a lifetime. These sessions help children to learn about animals and how to respect them and provides them with a chance to see whether they would like to work with animals in the future. Alpacas are kind, clean animals that have hypoallergic fur therefore they are excellent even for children that suffer from allergies due to animals.
1 Child- £10
Please contact us by email for more information about the date & times and your form of arrival before you pay (whether you would like to come to the farm or would prefer for us to come to you + if you are located outside of Leicestershire then it's 30p/mile extra)
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AlpacaSisters © 2021
Created by: Elevation Group